Aiming for Zero: A Growing Business Movement
Corporate Leaders GroupPrompted by the Paris Agreement and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a faster pace, governments across the world are reviewing their initial ambitions, and looking at what is required to deliver on the goal of ‘net zero’ emissions. Achieving this goal requires further discussion, with every sector and region involved. Business has a unique and crucial role to play, and as public debates gather momentum at national, European and international levels, businesses will be expected to change their operations in order to deliver on this vision.
Business leaders can share their insights and experience to inform policy and regulation; they can also shape public expectations on how sustainable growth can be advanced. This briefing aims to support companies to engage more meaningfully in the net zero debate by first giving relevant background on what net zero is, then offering specific solutions for business, and finally providing the broader context to ensure that business is in step with relevant policy
developments and timescales.