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The latest insights from the We Mean Business coalition

3 ways food and beverage companies can lead on sustainability

Andrea Moffat

Few of us give much thought to where our food comes from, how it is grown or raised and how it gets from the farm or field to our table. We rarely consider, for example, the amount of water it takes in drought-stricken California to grow our lettuce,the impacts of access to water on corn […]

Mindy Lubber: U.S. Policy and Clean Energy

The B Team

In a post for a blog series being produced by the Huffington post and The B Team, Mindy Lubber, President of Ceres, describes how policy makers in the United States are falling behind business when it comes to clean energy. She argues that more and more businesses are seeing the business incentive to incorporate clean […]

U.S. Policymakers Falling Behind Corporate America on Clean Energy

Mindy S. Lubber

Earlier this month, when the Environmental Protection Agency announced plans to reduce power plant carbon emissions by 30 percent, critics were quick to rattle off tired arguments, claiming that the new standards would wreck the economy. But this time many businesses opposed these claims. More than 170 companies and investors, including EMC, Nike, KB Home, Starbucks, and […]

What It Means for Business to ‘Go All In’ on Climate

Julia Robinson

At the end of a breakout session at theBSR Spring Forum 2014 last week, Matthew Kilgarriff, the company secretary of Swiss luxury holding company Richemont, shared a thought: The market price for carbon is too low, he said. Companies should create internal pricing structures and charge departments for greenhouse-gas use, which would then be invested in […]

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