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The latest insights from the We Mean Business coalition

Mobilizing Ambitious Business Action on Climate Change

Edward Cameron, Director, Partnership Development and Research

This article is the third in a series on BSR’s new initiative, Business in a Climate-Constrained World. The first article described why business must take bold action on climate change. The second article described the changes that business must make to address climate change. In this third article, we explain how BSR will help companies across our eight industry […]

BSR’s New Climate Strategy: Ambition + Collaboration = Impact

Eric Olson, Senior Vice President, Advisory Services

BSR’s new climate strategy—through which we are launching two important new reports today, on Business in a Climate-Constrained World and the Future of Fuels—aims to mobilize our global business network, insights, and expertise in support of sustained business action on climate change. We start from the premise that all of our actions must be geared toward climate resilience, […]

Exxon Mobil dismisses a low carbon future and puts faith in oil markets

Andrew Logan

When an international group of 77 institutional investors with more than $3tn in assets asked the world’s 45 largest fossil fuel companies to assess the risks that climate change poses to their business, they were aware they were asking a tough, complex question. Knowing this, investors launched the Carbon Asset Risk Initiative to spur fossil fuel companies to assess the risks […]

Even oil companies don’t want a ‘roasted world’

Mindy Lubber

(CNN) — When climate scientist Rosina Bierbaum speaks, her central theme is the “roasted world” — a bleak picture of what the planet will probably look like if carbon pollution continues unchecked, leading to 4 degrees Celsius of warming by mid-century. Four degrees may not sound like a lot — but it would change our lives […]

Insurers Have Huge Role As Clean Energy Investors

Mindy Lubber

Conversations about climate change and the insurance industry usually focus on catastrophic storms and their damaging financial ripples for insurance providers. Given skyrocketing extreme-weather losses in recent years, it’s surely a legitimate issue that should be making insurers re-think their business models. But insurers have another important role on the climate issue, which is how […]

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