FROM RISK TO REWARD: Accelerating corporate action in the palm oil sector
In 2018, 7,018 of the world’s largest companies reported information about their efforts to manage their climate, water and forestsrelated risks and impacts through CDP’s global disclosure platform. This includes 455 companies that disclosed information on their deforestation risks and impacts. This data is used by over 525 institutional investors, representing US$ 96 trillion, to engage with portfolio companies, inform investment decisions and catalyze change. In addition, 14 purchasing organizations use CDP’s forests data to drive greater insight, accountability and action throughout their global supply chains. This report is our first to focus on the action taking by companies producing, sourcing and/or using Indonesian palm oil. It is aimed at companies and investors seeking
to understand how they can play their part in supporting a responsible palm oil value chain and in delivering a below 1.5°C, water-secure and deforestation-free world.