The Case for Business Action on Climate Change
Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, and John Bryant, Chairman & CEO of Kellogg CompanyAs members of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and on behalf of the 93 companies included in this letter, we recognize that regardless of faith, we can all appreciate the call to climate action contained in Pope Francis’ encyclical, “On Care for Our Common Home.” It is a universal message — one that speaks to the challenges climate change is having on society and the environment and the role of individuals, civil society and institutions to address them.
For years, the body of science behind climate change has grown clearer and more focused. The planet is warming with severe consequences that threaten business growth and a healthy economy. We believe that we have reached a tipping point on climate change and that there is an unstoppable shift to a global economy that is significantly less harmful to the environment. As the world transitions to this new economy, it will be important to provide economic progress and a higher quality of life for all people in all regions of the world.
The private sector will play a key role in this transition and can help build prosperity and secure a better world for what will soon be nine billion people. Increasingly, business leaders are working collaboratively with competitors and with nongovernmental organizations to set goals to significantly reduce natural-resource use, invest in clean energy, improve global health and feed more people. A common thread that cuts across all of these efforts is finding new and innovative ways to use technology to achieve these social and environmental commitments.
No company is perfect. But, all companies are made up of people who want to leave a higher quality of life and a better world for generations to come. As leaders of these companies, we are committed to using our innovation, scale and entrepreneurial spirit to seek ways to address both the environmental and societal challenges created by climate change. Ahead of the Paris climate negotiations this December, we will help do our part to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
WBCSD Signatories:
Brisa Auto Estradas
CLP Hong Kong Ltd
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
EDP — Energias de Portugal
International Flavors & Fragrances
Kellogg Company
Nestle SA
Poyry Oyj Plc
Titan Cement Company
To view the remainder of the signatories, please click here.
Originally posted on The HuffingtonPost, September 24, 2015