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Our guide for corporate leaders on nature-based solutions for an equitable, net zero and nature-positive world

The guidance – created in partnership with Exponential Roadmap Initiative and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is aimed at companies looking to establish themselves as corporate climate leaders, covering actions to:

  • cut emissions from across their value chains in line with science 
  • better protect, manage and restore nature within company value chains as a part of their emissions targets  
  • invest now in protecting and restoring nature beyond their value chains.

Access the resources you need to integrate nature-based solutions into your climate action by downloading the Guiding Principles for Corporate Climate Leadership: The Role of Nature-based Solutions.

Corporate Climate Leadership

Why should companies invest in nature-based solutions?

To limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions need to halve by 2030. Emissions from land use must reach net zero over the same period.

Companies must cut the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by their business activities across their value chains. Doing this in line with science means cutting emissions by at least 90% through switching to clean energy and transport, eliminating deforestation from supply chains and transitioning to regenerative food systems. At the same time, every year companies need to invest in high quality nature-based solutions beyond their value chains at a level equivalent to 10-100% of the emissions they have not yet cut.

Adopting nature-based solutions can provide 30% of the required emissions reduction, but these solutions currently only receive 3% of climate finance. This is an untapped opportunity for corporates worldwide to both build resilience and tackle emissions.

Read our company guidance on why investment in nature is urgently needed.

The five principles

What companies must do today

  • Reduce emissions in their own business as quickly as possible by setting set short and long-term 1.5°C-aligned science-based emissions reduction targets and developing a climate transition plan.
  • Cut land-based emissions in their value chain through better protecting, managing and restoring nature within company value chains as part of emissions targets.
  • Every year, invest in protecting, managing and restoring nature beyond their value chains, for example by buying high-quality carbon credits aligned with the Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) hierarchy.
  • Report and communicate transparently using the best available reporting practices.
  • Ensure responsible policy engagement on climate and nature with an emphasis on nature-positive policy advocacy through platforms such as CDP.

How to be a corporate climate leader

Follow the 4 A's of Climate Leadership

For comprehensive guidance on all the steps to climate leadership, from aligning a company’s ambition with 1.5°C to cutting emissions throughout the value chain and advocating responsibly, visit the The 4 A’s of Climate Leadership.

By implementing The 4 A’s of Climate Leadership, companies can establish a credible climate transition action plan outlining the immediate steps must take to reach their climate goals.

To understand how to integrate nature into your climate plan, download the principles.

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