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Join us in taking action

All over the world, governments are now creating their national climate plans for the decade ahead – a decade when we need the best and boldest actions we can muster to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Business can be the catalyst for change.

Decisive action by business help embolden policymakers to enact policies for phasing in clean solutions and phasing out fossil fuels on a science-based timeline.

Join us in taking action

Where we want to see change

Our vision is that by 2030, global fossil fuel consumption has peaked and declined, and the transition away from fossil fuels continues to accelerate. To achieve this, there are two strategic priority areas that the campaign is specifically interested in seeing change in:


Business frontrunners are leading the way in phasing out fossil fuels across their operations and actively advocating for more progressive policies, sending a strong demand signal to their value chain to phase-out fossil fuels and scale clean solutions faster.



Ambitious NDCs include fossil fuel phase out targets and timelines aligned with a 1.5°C pathway and lay the groundwork for implementing domestic policies to unlock barriers at speed and scale to enable an accelerated economy-wide transition from fossil to clean.


1. Add your voice

Add your voice to a global community of businesses representing over $1.6trillion in global annual revenue, urging national governments to phase out fossil fuels and scale up clean energy.

Sign the letter

2. Get involved

Contribute your knowledge, expertise and case studies to support our key areas of advocacy and business action work. Collaborate with us on communication opportunities, amplifying business and industry voices in the global dialogue on going from fossil to clean.

Download the information deck to find out more.

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Interested in getting involved?

Contact [email protected] to set up a 1:1 business call

For press enquiries, please email Pascale Palmer, [email protected]

For grant-making trusts and foundations, please email Paris Scott, [email protected]

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