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The return on responsibility: the business benefits of communicating on climate

In today’s fast-evolving political landscape, businesses are taking an increasingly cautious approach to climate communications. Yet research shows that taking action on climate and speaking publicly about it is not only the right thing for companies to do — it’s also good for business.

The Return on Responsibility is a messaging guide for businesses produced by Potential Energy Coalition in partnership with We Mean Business Coalition and maslansky + partners. Built on extensive audience research, the guide empowers businesses with effective frameworks to confidently communicate about climate action while appealing to a broad range of business stakeholders.  

The return on responsibility: the business benefits of communicating on climate

About the research

The guide features new polling analysis and message frameworks informed by rigorous qualitative and quantitative research conducted over a 13-month period by maslansky + partners.  

The research was primarily conducted with investors and consumers in the U.S. As a comparison, a round of research was completed in the U.K., France, Germany, Japan and Brazil. 

Learn more about the research findings and business benefits that come with speaking up publicly about climate.

About the research

What the research tells us

Climate risk = Business risk

Consumers and investors are increasingly recognizing the risk that climate change poses to business.

  • 9 in 10 consumers across the tested countries believe that most major industries are being affected by climate-related factors.
  • 7 in 10 consumers in the countries tested agree businesses face significant climate-related risks that could negatively impact their financial performance.
  • 60% of US investors across the political spectrum agree that climate change causes damage that could hurt company performance.

What the research tells us

Action brings opportunity

Evidence shows that consumers are more likely to buy from, work for, admire, and speak well of companies that take climate action, such as reducing emissions or investing in renewables.

  • Almost 6 in 10 consumers in all countries would be more likely to buy from or support brands that reduce their carbon pollution or invest in clean energy.

Meanwhile, investors feel companies that take advantage of clean energy opportunities and mitigate climate risks are more likely to succeed financially.

  • US retail investors expect clean energy to outperform almost every economic sector except AI over the next 10 years, and over 70% believe clean energy will beat the market over the next 10 years.

How to harness the return on responsibility

  • Talk materiality, not morality: Frame climate risk as a material business concern, not a moral issue, to build authentic messaging that does not trigger consumer pushback.
  • Highlight risk & opportunity: Businesses that connect climate risks to business risks, and clean energy investments to growth, are more likely to be seen as ‘responsible businesses’ by consumers.
  • Use clear, human language: Jargon invites skepticism. Embracing simple, concrete language creates compelling and trustworthy messages.

How to harness the return on responsibility

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