Telia Company’s story of action
Ongoing climate change and unsustainable use of natural resources is putting both ecosystems and humanity at great risk. Digitalization can accelerate the transformation needed to change this course, but the digital sector also needs to at least halve its own emissions by 2030. Over the last three years, we have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 79%, mainly through the shift to 100% renewable electricity to power our networks, data centers and other buildings. This is because electricity represents 93% of our total energy use.
Telia Company has set science-based targets to halve emissions from our own operations by 2025, reduce emissions related to use of sold and leased products by 29% by 2025, from a base year of 2018. We will also work with our suppliers to set their own science-based targets, aiming to have 72% of our suppliers by emissions having set their own targets by 2025, covering purchased goods, services and capital goods.
Together these actions will ensure we are on a pathway that is consistent with keeping global warming to a maximum of 1.5ºC, as part of our longer-term journey towards a climate-neutral value chain and zero-waste business by 2030 and a commitment to reinvent what better societies look like.
We call on world governments to create detailed pathways to 2030 and 2050 and complement climate plans with concrete national circularity plans that incentivize the shift to a circular economy. Such plans should create a joint vision, identify areas for innovation and investments, and support the development of new competences and recycling capabilities.
Halving emissions in our own operations by 2025 and achieving a climate neutral value chain by 2030 requires Telia Company to work closely with suppliers, customers and other partners. Collaboration is the only way to achieve radical and rapid transformation towards fossil-free and circular societies.
This is why we are all in for 2030.