Women’s Empowerment and Business: 2020 Trends and Opportunities
2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), an ambitious set of principles to guide business action for more gender-equal workplaces. Since the launch of the WEPs, the business case for gender equality has continued to grow, and companies are scaling up their commitments to ensure women and men can equally contribute to and benefit from workplace policies and programs. However, as this report from BSR and the UN Global Compact shows, few companies are making the leap from commitment to action for meaningful change for women.
This report presents the aggregate findings from the WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool, an online resource for companies to anonymously measure their progress toward promoting a gender-equal workplace. As of January 2020, more than 2,000 companies from around the world have already used the tool to assess their gender equality performance across the workplace, marketplace, and community.
The report provides a snapshot of how companies are doing in terms of commitment, implementation, measurement, and transparency covering a wide range of issues. The results reveal important gaps in all areas, but in particular between the number of corporate commitments versus actions to promote gender equality, with even fewer companies tracking and reporting on progress. In order to support companies to move from commitment to action, the report highlights a range of initiatives to strengthen corporate efforts to create more gender-equal workplaces.