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companies taking action through the Science Based Targets initiative


SMEs committed to the SME Climate Hub


trillion market cap (excluding SMEs)

To track the scale and breadth of companies taking action, the Coalition aggregates commitment data from core initiatives within our network.


About the core initiatives

  • _X3EM_ Mobility Living
  • (ACIP) Alexandria Company for Industrial Packages
  • @Bambuubrush
  • @venelouis
  • & Co.
  • &mather
  • #EthicalHour
  • 1 001 SAVOIRS
  • 1 Sustainable Ltd
  • 1.5 Degrees Ltd
  • About the core initiatives

    Science-based Targets initiative

    The Science-based Targets initiative (SBTi) develops standards, tools and guidance which allow companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions targets in line with science. Its target dashboard shows companies and financial institutions that have set targets or have committed to developing targets. We Mean Business Coalition is a founding partner of SBTi, along with CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). SBTi is an integral part of the global climate architecture and the Coalition have been actively supporting its work to help companies commit to and set net-zero targets for nearly a decade.

    See the full target dashboard

    SME Climate Hub

    The SME Climate Hub is an initiative of the We Mean Business Coalition, created in partnership with the Exponential Roadmap Initiative and the UN Climate Change High Level Champion’s Race to Zero campaign. Through its free tools and resources, the SME Climate Hub enables small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to make a climate commitment, take action and measure their progress towards emissions reductions. The SME Climate Commitment is the official pathway for SMEs to join the global Race to Zero campaign.

    See the full list of SMEs taking action

    The Climate Pledge

    The Climate Pledge, co-founded by Amazon and Global Optimism, is a commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 – 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement. It brings together leading companies committed to accelerating joint action, cross-sector collaboration, and responsible change. We Mean Business Coalition is a partner of the Climate Pledge.

    See the full list of Climate Pledge signatories


    RE100 is a global initiative led by Climate Group, bringing together the world’s most influential businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity, using this demand signal to engage in policy advocacy to remove market and policy barriers to corporate renewable electricity sourcing. We Mean Business Coalition has supported RE100 since 2017, including by mobilizing philanthropic funding to enable it to grow into new geographies and create tipping points of favourable renewable options in the largest electricity markets.

    See the full list of members and their targets


    EV100 is a global initiative led by Climate Group, bringing together forward-looking companies committed to transitioning their fleets to EVs and install EV charging for staff and customers by 2030 and engage in advocacy to shape public policy frameworks to accelerate the transition to zero emission mobility.

    See the full list of EV100 members and their commitments

    EV100+ is building on the success of EV100, by bringing together companies committed to kickstarting the transition to zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs). The Coalition was an early supporter of this initiative.

    See the full list of EV100+ members and their commitments


    EP100 is a global corporate energy efficiency initiative led by Climate Group. It brings together ambitious businesses committed to doubling their energy productivity, rolling out energy management systems, or achieving net zero carbon buildings. We Mean Business Coalition has supported EP100 since 2017.

    See the full list of members and their commitments


    SteelZero is a global initiative led by Climate Group, in partnership with ResponsibleSteel, bringing together leading organisations to speed up the transition to net zero steel. SteelZero brings together steel users globally to make a public commitment to buy and use net zero steel.

    With the Climate Group, We Mean Business Coalition identified the need for SteelZero and has supported the initiative since its inception.

    See the full list of SteelZero members and their commitments


    ConcreteZero is a global initiative led by Climate Group, in partnership with WorldGBC, to create a market for net zero concrete. ConcreteZero aims to harness the collective purchasing power and influence of its members to send a strong demand signal to shift global markets, investment and policies towards the sustainable production and sourcing of concrete.

    See the full list of ConcreteZero members and their commitments

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