The Climate GroupLondon, 13 May 2019: Today the German car manufacturer Daimler announced it will have a carbon neutral passenger car fleet by 2039.
Responding to the news, Helen Clarkson, CEO, The Climate Group, an international non-profit with a mission of accelerating climate action said: “Today’s announcement is a new start for the automotive industry to take on its full responsibility in tackling climate change.
“Businesses are the auto industry’s biggest customers, and many are already switching their fleets to electric and installing charging points through our EV100 initiative on clean transport. They are sending an undeniable signal that the future of transport is electric – and it’s time vehicle supply started to match their demand.
“It’s clear that the end of the road for the internal combustion engine is in sight. We now need more company fleets and car manufacturers to keep following the signs and go all in on electric mobility.”
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About The Climate Group
The Climate Group’s mission is to accelerate climate action to achieve a world of no more than 1.5°C of global warming and greater prosperity for all. We do this by bringing together powerful networks of business and governments that shift global markets and policies. We focus on the greatest global opportunities for change, take innovation and solutions to scale, and build ambition and pace. We are an international non-profit organization, founded in 2004, with offices in London, New Delhi and New York. Our business initiatives EV100, EP100 and RE100 are brought to you as part of the We Mean Business coalition.
Visit TheClimateGroup.org and follow us on Twitter @ClimateGroup.
About EV100
EV100 is a global initiative by The Climate Group bringing together forward-looking companies committed to accelerating the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and making electric transport the new normal by 2030. The transport sector accounts for approximately 23% of global energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Electric transport offers a major solution, as well as curbing transport related air and noise pollution. With businesses owning over half of all registered vehicles on the road, it is crucial they lead the shift to electric vehicles through their investment decisions and influence on millions of staff and customers worldwide. By setting out their future EV purchasing requirements on an ambitious timescale, companies can increase demand, drive mass roll-out, and make electric cars more rapidly affordable for everyone.
Visit theclimategroup.org/EV100 and follow #EV100 on Twitter.
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