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The latest insights from the We Mean Business coalition

Climate Strategy Assessments for the U.S. Electric Power Industry: 2019 Update


This analysis gives specific guidance for investors and companies to assess climate change-related risks and opportunities in the U.S. electric power sector. The 2019 update incorporates the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) call to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius, finding that nothing short of a complete decarbonization of the sector before 2050 […]

Which steel companies are ready for the low-carbon transition?


This report updates and expands CDP’s research and League Table for steel companies, first published in October 2016. It ranks 20 of the largest and highest-impact publicly listed steel companies on business readiness for a low-carbon transition. The companies in aggregate represent 30% of global steel production. Download report here >

Human Rights Insights: Trends from the Human Rights Working Group’s Spring Meeting


In March and April 2019, BSR’s Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) held its first round of meetings for the year in New York, London, and Tokyo. Established in 2012, HRWG is a collaborative initiative designed to help companies implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), bringing together approximately 40 companies from across sectors. In addition […]

MAJOR RISK OR ROSY OPPORTUNITY: Are companies ready for climate change?


This report analyzes responses from companies to CDP’s questionnaire in 2018 and focuses on what companies are reporting about the risks and opportunities they may face from climate change and its potential financial implications. With 2017 and 2018 seeing significant losses from extreme weather incidents in parts of the world, as well as rapid technological […]

Out On a Limb: The State of Corporate No-Deforestation Commitments & Reporting Indicators that Count


While nearly 500 global companies have made commitments to no-deforestation with varying degrees of specificity, only a handful disclose their quantitative progress toward achieving them and eliminating tropical forest loss from their commodity supply chains. Many hundreds more are still exposed to deforestation risk, and have yet to set public commitments or take specific actions […]

The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder 2.0


Across industries, managing companies’ supply chain sustainability has become increasingly important. Leading companies recognize that supply chain sustainability programs create value through mitigating risk, increasing resource efficiency to find cost savings, driving innovation through supplier collaboration, and more. The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder is a maturity model that BSR has developed for companies to evaluate and evolve their approach to supply […]

Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement


In 2019, the landscape of digital communication, international agreements and investor expectations makes stakeholder engagement more important than ever: Digital and social media amplify voices of the public, including civil society organizations; international agreements such as the UN Guiding Principles and Sustainable Development Goals have been established and globally accepted; and investors are significantly more […]

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