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G7: lead the way on fossil fuel phase-out

As the world’s strongest economies, G7 countries have an outsized responsibility to lead the transition from fossil to clean.

This year’s G7 summit in Italy brings an opportunity for governments to show how they will deliver on the strong international agreement from COP28 to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels this decade, in line with climate science. Collaboration will be key to ensure that ambitions to go from fossil to clean are firmly embedded in national plans and followed by action. With bold business and political leadership, we can scale clean energy and end our reliance on fossil fuels.

Policy leadership to accelerate the transition from fossil to clean

The target is set for 1.5°C. Now it’s time for action to get there. 

Hundreds of companies are moving from fossil fuels to clean energy solutions, and they are urging governments to do the same. 

Companies and countries that transition from fossil to clean soonest and fastest will be more competitive in the long run – reaping benefits like greater energy security, energy affordability, economic growth and public health. But they must act today or risk falling behind others due to missed opportunities for investment and innovation.  

Business wants to see clear plans and timelines from the G7 to accelerate this transition and deliver on the goals of the UAE Consensus.

Business urges G7 governments to:

Deliver on 2023 G7 commitment to phase-out unabated fossil fuels, and UAE Consensus, by committing to set national targets and timelines, embedded in new NDCs, for the phase-out of unabated fossil fuels in line with 1.5°C. These should be supported by national plans and policies to ensure a just transition for affected workers and communities.

Commit to embed in new NDCs how national targets will contribute to global goal to triple renewable energy capacity and double the average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, and report on collective progress so far.

Commit to achieving fully decarbonized power systems by 2035.

Communicate national action plans to reform fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 with detail on how these subsidies will be repurposed toward energy efficiency, renewable energy and other measures to support a just, people-centered and inclusive clean energy transition. 

Support countries in the Global South in diversifying their energy systems and developing 1.5°C-aligned economic pathways, including through the provision both of finance that does not exacerbate unsustainable sovereign debt, and of capacity-building for just transition planning.

Ensure nature and biodiversity targets are reflected in NDCs that are aligned with National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), including commitments towards halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation by 2030. 

Business action: from COP28 to the G7

Through the Fossil to Clean campaign, hundreds of businesses alongside scores of countries, thousands of scientists, health workers, investors, faith leaders and youth activists sent a clear message to negotiators that moving from fossil fuels to clean solutions is the only way to limit global heating and keep people safe. And their voices echoed loudly.

The result was a new deal reached at COP28 in Dubai, known as the UAE Consensus. It commits nations to tripling renewable energy capacity globally, doubling the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030 and to taking action to transition away from fossil fuels. 

The G7 can bolster the global economy by accelerating the clean energy transition. With bold business and political leadership, we can scale clean energy and end our reliance on fossil fuels.


Business supports going fossil to clean

How business is playing its part

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